Monday, September 21, 2015

All School Hike

All School Hike

     As I'm sure you already know, this Friday, September 25, is our EMES All School Hike! Mr. Sherwin has been working super hard sending home documents, collecting paperwork and chasing down chaperones to help wrangle our kiddos up and down a mountain (or bike path). 

     PE classes have been practicing hiking skills (especially with our little ones- grades K-3) in our school path behind the playground. Students have been learning and demonstrating how to travel on the path between adults, staying on the path and away from possible hazards, strategy for ascending and descending steep sections of the mountain, and how to keep a reasonable pace and comfortable/safe space between friends on the trail. I've brought in clothing to demonstrate appropriate attire and even offered to eat some students' lunches that might not be a good choice for hike day- unfortunately there weren't any takers for the lunch eating demo!

    Please make sure that your child is prepared for the hike. Clothing, food and hydration are things that we can help with at home. If you have any question about the hike, feel free to contact me, or Michael Sherwin. Cross your fingers for some favorable weather, otherwise we'll hope for something better on Friday, October 2.
For your viewing pleasure, check out the circle what works paper below we do for fun with the newer hikers!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Excuse the mess while this blog is a work in progress...

The first few weeks at EMES have been wonderful. Our PreK-3 students have been spending some time learning PE and Recess safety expectations and routines. We are working on locomotor skills and preparing for our All School Hike -September 25!  Students have been involved in discussions around appropriate attire, food and water, pacing and spacing, and other trail safety using the path behind the school.

Upper school students from grade 4-6 did some review of expectations and got right to work learning invasion games. We've introduced some new twists on capture the flag with King's (or Queen's) Court. Students have also been building an activity bank which includes some tag games- a favorite has been Injured Ant Tag!

Everyone has been doing a great job remembering their sneakers and drinking plenty of water!